Sean's Legacy

Bridging The Healthcare Gap for Children with Intellectual Disabilities





Project Type

UX Design


UX Designer


Breaking down barriers

Inclusive is a nonprofit organization that provides medical services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in New York City. As part of this project, our team built an MVP for Inclusive.


New York City parents find it frustrating and overwhelming to search for speech therapy for their children because of what they are facing: a complicated process with limited information that makes it extremely difficult for parents to figure out how to find speech therapy for their children.


Our goal is to create an online application that will provide parents with all of the resources and information they need to obtain medical resources for their children as well as a place to find guidance on intellectual and developmental disabilities.

View Final Solution
My Role/Responsibilities

UX research, UI design, UX - Business - Marketing Collaboration



User Research


A survey was conducted on 20 participants to identify which products and features or products people are currently using or which cars they owns and their pain-points and determine which solution would be the best to implement.


Final Design

As a result of eight weeks of dedicated work and collaboration among teams, a comprehensive MVP was delivered in Phase 1 of the Inclusive Project. We used Zeplin to effectively collaborate with developers, providing over 100 mobile and desktop screens with annotations, arrows, and user flows to offer context. A clear and efficient handover process for developers was facilitated by supplying specs with measurements for UI elements and padding.

The success of Phase 1 has paved the way for Phase 2, which will focus on expanding the product's features to meet the needs of a broader audience.

Landing Page

Users can either subscribe a new car as well as old car.


Bridging the Gap with Users

In conclusion, I was very happy to be a part of phase 1 of creating an MVP for the Inclusive website. During the 2 months, I collaborated with multiple teams such as development, research, product strategy, content, and the client. We followed the agile method of sprints. Although I was only a part of phase 1, but our work that we did impressed the client and is now the foundation for the website. The live website is currently in development and should be live soon.

Key Takeaways

This project is most memorable to me because the Speech Therapy Guide feature failed to meet its target audience. There was a lot of confusion and a lack of intuitiveness among users. As a result, our design team had to adapt and produce a solution that made sense to the users while also improving the UX of the guide as we entered week 6. I had the opportunity to be involved in this guide and from there, we came up with the idea to make it more of a checklist, vertically laid out to make it more accessible, and with an easy navigation bar at the top to let users skip sections or return to them. In addition, I would definitely test the new design for the Speech Therapy Guide feature with actual users if I had more time to devote to this project. I would brainstorm new solutions and implement those solutions after testing, repeating the process until it is intuitive and user-friendly.

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