2021 Indie Galactic Space Design Jam, 2nd place winner*




Florida Space Coast

Project Type

Game UI Design


UX/UI Designer


Breaking down barriers

GRIME is an online open world survival game that players can enjoy with friends. Collect resources to build weapons and craft recipes. Alien slimes drop valuable loot that can be used for recipes. Build stronger weapons to farm more resources. Rise and GRIME and survive with friends.


New York City parents find it frustrating and overwhelming to search for speech therapy for their children because of what they are facing: a complicated process with limited information that makes it extremely difficult for parents to figure out how to find speech therapy for their children.


Our goal is to create an online application that will provide parents with all of the resources and information they need to obtain medical resources for their children as well as a place to find guidance on intellectual and developmental disabilities.

View Final Solution
My Role/Responsibilities

UX research, UI design, UX - Business - Marketing Collaboration


User Research

Process & My Role

In 2021 I participated in the Indie Galactic Space Design Jam that took place over 4 days of learning and fun. I was the UI designer for our group. We decided to make a space-themed multiplayer crafting game that is open-world. Our ambitions were high, but I was so proud of us for actually being able to create that within the time-span that we had. We were awarded 2nd place winners by the Florida Space Coast.

My role in this was to create the UI components for the game, including but not limited to the crafting and inventory UI for the game as well as the menus.

A Few Photos

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